Answer: (Medical Xpress)—Asthma is a debilitating condition that kills 250,000 people around the world each year. People with asthma have hyperreactive airways and thickened lung walls obstructed with mucus. During an asthma attack, which could be fatal, airways constrict even further in the presence of a trigger, such as pollen, dust mites or a viral infection. Current asthma therapies treat asthma attacks as immune responses and focus on immune system suppression. However, a study by Dimitri Trankner of Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Virginia and his colleagues, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that sensory neurons control bronchial hyperactivity.
You’ll get muscle bound if you start lifting weights.
You are too old for weight lifting.
Lifting weights will hurt my joints.
<em>Hello,</em> Currently, there are no accredited schools that offer standard college or university degree programs in hypnotism. A common degree in hypnotism, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH) is in fact, an unaccredited degree in the United States. This however does not prevent those in different fields of health and psychology within the university system to conduct research on hypnotism. <em>Have a Great day!</em>
Explanation: Two alleles are given to the baby, 1 from the mom and 1 from the dad.