Answer: mRNA: GCU : alanine
Epinephrine binds to receptors on some smooth muscles (ex: around arterioles) → Ca++ released from ER → intracellular Ca++ up → stimulates contraction. c. Epinephrine binds to receptors on some smooth muscles (ex: around bronchioles) → phosphorylates protein needed for response to Ca++, preventing response.
Answer: genetics and mutation generate some of the variety that natural selection acts on
In fact, there is a Oceanic Carbon cycle! Carbon dioxide get absorbed by the ocean's surface from the atmosphere and then get converted into a dissolved inorganic compound and so on.
<span>the one that is nor released by trees into the atmosphere is : Ozone
Ozone is the layer beneath the atmosphere that protected us from the harm of direct sunlight.
Ozone is already exist within the earth and not created by organisms. We only produce the substance that potentially destroy it</span>