Answer: Boundaryless organization
Boundaryless organization is an organization that is not hindered or limited by boundaries created through established structures.
It could also mean an organization whose operation is not confined to a particular location or the confine of their office complex.
The idea of boundaryless organization was first conceptualized by Jack Welch who wanted to eliminate any form of barrier (both internally and externally) in the way General Electrics carried out its operations.
•Note that in order to achieved the concept of a boundaryless organization, flexibility and adaptability must be considered.
•Latest technology for getting work done must also be adopted over traditional mode of operation
The analysis of past sales and interpretation of cost information are important in evaluating performance and providing useful facts for future planning. All these activities rely on marketing information and a rigorous marketing research process to produce insights managers can trust and act on.
A financial sensitivity analysis consists of analyzing the variables that influence decisions related to a business. That is, the dependent and independent variables are analyzed and how they will affect the economic results of a company.
This analysis is effective so that companies can make projections about how one variable is directly influenced by another according to the data found, assisting in the financial and economic decision-making process that will contribute to the profitability and positioning of the business.
B. Going-concern assumption.
The financial statements are normally prepared on the assumption that an entity is a going concern and will continue in operation for a foreseeable future. Hence, It is assumed that the entity has neither the intention nor the need to liquidate or curtail materially the scale of its operations. If such an intention or need exists, the financial statements have to be prepared on different a basis and , if so , the basis used is disclosed.
Answer: The answer is that, AD has shifted to exactly $0.35 trillion.
It should be noticed that, AD has been shifted to exactly $0.35 trillion (Rounded in two decimal places.) when the the long-run aggregate supply curve shifted to the right from one year to the next.