Enter a curve slower than the posted speed if your vehicle has a high center of gravity or if surface Traction is less than ideal.
Traction is an act of drawing or pulling something over a surface specially a road or a track or it also defined as the grip of a tire on road or a wheel on rail. So speed when entering a curve should be slower when the tire has low traction to avoid accident.
Replacement-Level Fertility
Another important population characteristic that differ btw develop nation and developing nations is relates to births is replacement-level fertility. Replacement-level fertility is the fertility rate that will result in the replacement of the parents in the population. Again, in an ideal world, the human replacement-level fertility rate would be exactly two. This would mean that each couple would produce two offspring that would replace them in the population. If this occurred, then the human population would stay at a stable rate
So the result is not biased or affected in some way
An electrified comb is charged comb ( let say by running it through the hair) and when it is brought in the proximity of pieces of paper, the pieces tend to cling to it. This happens because the charged comb induces an opposite charge in the paper pieces and as opposite charges attract each other, the pieces are clinged.