<span>Scientists have been doing several experimentation
and discovery of the changes of the ice on the pole. Recent evidence from polar
ice core analysis shows that, until now, carbon dioxide levels have never
exceeded 300 ppm in the last several hundred thousand years.</span>
The continental shelf is a gently sloping feature found at the edge of a continental landmass going seaward from the coast. Rivers that empty into the sea can produce currents that are strong enough to erode the material that builds the shelf. When this occurs channels or submarine canyons are formed. These canyons are deep and dark as no light can penetrate these regions. The canyons often lead out to sea towards the edge of the shelf.
Determining Chemical Properties using the Periodic Table. Chemical properties of each element are determined by the element's electronic configuration, and particularly by its outermost valence electrons.
One of the key characteristics of osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts is that they do not undergo mitosis. only germ cells undergo meiosis.
I believe the correct answer would be D. Hemocytoblast cells give rise to formed elements in the blood. These cells are stem cells for elements that are blood-cellular. They are obtained from the mesoderm and are located in the bone marrow. When these cells are divided into two cells, one of the daughter cells would be come a blood cell while the other will remain as a hemocytoblast to ensure that there is enough of this cell that is available. They are considered to be able to produce all blood cell types namely white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells. To do this, they undergo the process of haematopoiesis.