In order to terminate the pregnancy without a surgical procedure medical that blocks progesterone are used. They are called a<span>ntiprogesterones. Antiprogesterones are drugs that block the action of the body's hormone progesterone.
</span><span>The nurse should provide to the patient information about the side effects of this medication : Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever or chills, stomatitis, anemia...
</span><span>The nurse should explain that this drug has no way of preventing a pregnancy,and that it can only terminate one. </span>
Hibernation is an innate behavior. It is not learned after birth. Animals that hibernate are born with an internal sense, or instinct, that tells them.
Hope This help :P
When a factory is running or when driving a car that gives off carbon dioxide and that pollutes the air.
just talk to them face to face