The energy of these two photons would be the same as long as their frequencies are the same (same color, assuming that the two bulbs emit at only one wavelength.)
The energy
of a photon is proportional to its frequency
. The constant of proportionality is Planck's Constant,
. This proportionality is known as the Planck-Einstein Relation.
The color of a beam of visible light depends on the frequency of the light. Assume that the two bulbs in this question each emits light of only one frequency (rather than a mix of light of different frequencies and colors.) Let
denote the frequency of the light from each bulb.
If the color of the red light from the two bulbs is the same, those two bulbs must emit light at the same frequency:
Thus, by the Planck-Einstein Relation, the energy of a photon from each bulb would also be the same:
Note that among these two bulbs, the brighter one appears brighter soley because it emits more photons per unit area in unit time. While the energy of each photon stays the same, the bulb releases more energy by emitting more of these photons.
En 1589 Galileo realizó un experimento lanzando dos bolas de diferentes masas desde la famosa Torre Inclinada de Pisa para demostrar que el tiempo de caída es independiente de la masa de la bola. A través de este experimento, Galileo descubrió que los cuerpos caían casi simultáneamente, refutando la teoría de Aristóteles de que la tasa de caída era proporcional a la masa del cuerpo.
Debido a la imperfección de los equipo de medición de esa época, la caída libre de los cuerpos era casi imposible de estudiar. En busca de una forma de reducir la velocidad de movimiento, Galileo reemplazó la caída libre por rodar sobre una superficie inclinada, donde había velocidades y resistencia del aire significativamente más bajas. Se notó que con el tiempo, la velocidad del movimiento aumenta: los cuerpos se mueven con aceleración. Se concluyó que la velocidad y la aceleración no dependen ni de la masa ni del material de la pelota.
Natural gas is non renewable energy.
Because they were formed from the buried reamains of plants and animals that live a million years ago. It is formed from fossil fuels.
W = (F1 - mg sin θ) L, W = -μ mg cos θ L
Let's use Newton's second law to find the friction force. In these problems the x axis is taken parallel to the plane and the y axis perpendicular to the plane
Y Axis
N -
N = W_{y}
X axis
F1 - fr - Wₓ = 0
fr = F1 - Wₓ
Let's use trigonometry to find the components of the weight
sin θ = Wₓ / W
cos θ = W_{y} / W
Wₓ = W sin θ
W_{y} = W cos θ
We substitute
fr = F1 - W sin θ
Work is defined by
W = F .dx
W = F dx cos θ
The friction force is parallel to the plane in the negative direction and the displacement is positive along the plane, so the Angle is 180º and the cos θ= -1
W = -fr x
W = (F1 - mg sin θ) L
Another way to calculate is
fr = μ N
fr = μ W cos θ
the work is
W = -μ mg cos θ L

v = Velocity of Ferdinand = 5 m/s
= Angle of jump
T = Time taken = 0.6 s
R = Distance between lily pads = 2.4 m
Horizontal range is given by

The angle at which Ferdinand make each of his jumps is