To find a percentage of a number, you just need to multiply the percentage by that number.
Percentages must be converted into decimal form before any work can take place. We can do that by either dividing the percentage by 100, or (my personal shortcut) by just shifting the decimal point to the left two places.
276% = 2.76
Then, we just need to multiply.
2.76 * 8 = 22.08
Since the question requires the answer in fraction form, we need to convert 22.08 to a mixed number. This mixed number would be 22 2/25
276% of 8 in fraction form is 22 and 2/25.
Hope this helped =)
multiply or divide both quantities by the same number
Answer: The answer is C. C in your given options.
Step-by-step explanation:
Learn baseball Do not learn baseball Total
Learn basketball 0.63 0.37 1
Do not learn basketball 0.84 0.16 1
Total 0.72 0.28 1
351 children and 308 adults swam at the public pool.
Step-by-step explanation:
Children = x
Adults = y
Price per children = $1.75
Price per adult = $2.00
According to given statement;
x+y=659 Eqn 1
1.75x+2y=1230.25 Eqn 2
351 children and 308 adults swam at the public pool.
Keywords: Linear equations, Division
Learn more about linear equations at:
A sample in which each individual in the population has an equal chance to be selected is a "simple random sampling".
What is simple random sampling?</h3>
A subset of such a statistical population called a simple random sample is one where each member has an equal chance of being chosen. A straightforward random sample is intended to offer an objective depiction of a group.
Some key features of simple random sampling are-
- A straightforward random sample, where each participant has an equal chance of being selected, selects a tiny, random piece of the total population that will represent the full data set.
- Using techniques like lottery or random draws, researchers can generate a straightforward random sample.
- If a sample does not precisely reflect the population it really is intended to represent, there may have been a sampling error.
To know more about simple random sampling, here