the axolotl ( say "ax- oh- lot-el") is a Mexican species of salamendar . its also known as mexican walking fish .it can regenerate , repair or replace its arms,legs,tail ,lower jaw ,brain and heart
in reptile involves dropping a section of their tail and regenerating it as part of a defense mechanism
Try to search up each one, and match the image with the one. Im sorry this isnt the answer but thats how you find it. And with number 6 and 4 search it up on google and you will get it.
1. During the__ Attachment ____stage, enzymes digest cell wall and membrane material so that the viral nucleic acids can enter into the host cell.
2. During the ___ Penetration __ stage, the capsid of virus combines with receptors on the host cell's plasma membrane.
3. During the__ Biosynthesis ____stage, viral nucleic acids and capsid components are produced.
4. During the ___ Release __ stage, lysozyme enzyme is produced, is rupturing the cell membrane and releasing viral particles.
5. During the___ Maturation ___stage, viral nucleic acids and capsid components are assembled to produce viral particles.
I have attached picture explanation whole lytic cycle.
The humerus and femur are joint bones, while vertebrae and carpals connect together to create a much bigger bone.
Im not sure cuz why theres O in there? I thought there’s only 4 bases Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine and in RNA there’s Uracil instead of Thymine. Sorry