Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. Subscribe to E-News to learn how you can help those affected by Alzheimer's.
Risk factors for dementia · age: the older you are, the more likely you are to develop dementia. However, dementia is not a natural part of ageing · genes: in Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning. Cognitive: mental decline, confusion in the evening hours, disorientation, inability to speak or understand language, making things up, mental confusion, or inability to recognize common things
Muscular: inability to combine muscle movements or unsteady walking
Also common: memory loss, falling, jumbled speech, or sleep disorder
The answer for this question would be all of the above
It is important to stretch before exercising because for example if you were to be doing a strenuous workout it causes the blood vessels in your legs to expand. Which then causes more blood into your legs and feet. If you were to stop after a while of exercising your heart rate slows down and blood can pool into your lower body which could cause you to possibly faint.