Knowledge of how to manipulate the system
President Lyndon Johnson was able to get passage of the Civil Rights Act through Congress because of his deep experience in the Senate, understanding who to influence and how.
The correct answer is "Core beliefs".
Core beliefs can be understood as the things that we hold to be the real absolute truths, They are found underneath our surface beliefs.
Usually we accept our core beliefs without question but individuals are not aware all the time about their own core beliefs, becauuse they don't have inmediate access to such part of the script.
In conclusion, closest to the surface of consciousness reside the superficial beliefs on how we should think, feel and act, but below that surface individuals have the more elusive part of their script, which is called our "core beliefs".
Dreaming is a symbolic fulfillment, we dream about what our ID wants and ego can distort the memory of the dream.
air pollution, loud noise, big crowds?
It's cheaper than equilibrium price that's why there will be shortage