Survivor and witness testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through or encountered genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history.
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Lesson: Using Testimony to Teach | Facing History
Every crime may have a chance to either go reported unreported.
Reason being is most crimes are private and everything discussed about a crime stays in the court room.
1. "Loose lips sink ships." Share certain information can jeopardize OpSec, and result in advantages for enemy troops.
2. 1A should protect ALL speech. censoring specific words is a form of bias. People should instead be taught coping skills when presented with ideas they find objectionable. "Hate speech" presumes there is a speaker and a listener. The speaker can share anything he likes. The listener is the regulated party. When presented with objectionable ideas, he has choices: he can choose the respond calmly and reasonably; he can respond with aggression; or, he can ignore it and walk away.