The Electoral College should remain the same for various reasons. First, if it were not for the Electoral College, large states, such as California, would largely control the nation. The Electoral College is designed to maximize states' rights. For example, if the U.S. were a direct democracy, Hillary Clinton would have been elected as our president, even though approximately 90% states supported Trump. With the Electoral College, each state has 2-3 Electors for each Political Party. If the majority of the state votes for Hillary, the democratic electors for that specific state get the vote. If the majority of the state votes for Trump, the Republican electors get the vote. The system is designed to maximize sates' rights and avoid impulsive, mass decisions.
To ensure border states remained in the union, he never said his goal was to end slavery, only that it was to save the union.
The nullification crisis was a dispute over the power of the states to reject unconstitutional federal laws.
Although the two economic systems are based on the law of supply and demand, these systems are different. Capitalism is an economic system based on ownership of the factors of production. ... On the other hand, a private owner in a capitalist system can have a monopoly on the market and prevent free competition.