Part 1: Option C ( Allocative Efficiency)
Part 2 : Option D ( Voluntary Exchange)
Step-by-step explanation:
Part 1:
In Part 1 the school has sold all the vaccines at the given price and they will earn at least some thing form the vaccines sold. So this lies in allocative efficiency.
According to definition allocative efficiency is the efficiency every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit provides a marginal benefit to consumers equal to the marginal cost of producing.
So the answer for the first part is part C
Part 2:
In second part the school has decided to give free medicines to people suffering from Asthma and Flu. So this lies in Voluntary exchange.
According to definition Voluntary exchange is providing of the goods free of cost to the consumers.
So school is providing free of cost vaccines to the students which is voluntary exchange and it is option D