-Determination - in this stage, people have make commitment to change the bad habit as soon as possible. it is stage of planning.
There are six stages of change that have a unique role in changing one's behavior. The stages are:
-Pre-contemplation - in this stage people are more aware of this bad habit but at the same time they are not considering as a problem
- contemplation - At this stage, people are more serious about their bad habit and now are thinking of changing
-Determination - in this stage, people have made a commitment to change the bad habit as soon as possible. it is stage of planning.
- Action - at this stage of change people are taking a serious step toward changing their behavior
- Maintenance - in this stage people are avoiding all those criteria and source through which there is a chance to return back to bad habits
-Relapse - at this stage people do resumption of old behavior
PRESSURE is right answer .
a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere.
a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere.
Yes. Mercury has 80 protons. Tin has 50 protons. Same for electrons, it just doesn't have an exact number.