P4O9 is an oxide of phosphorous
so it will named accordingly
There are four phosphorous atoms and nine oxygen atoms
four will be represented as "tetra"
Nine will represented as "non"
so the name of the compound will be
tetraphosphorous nonoxide
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Response is below
The different types of mining are underground, surface, placer, and in-situ. Underground mining uses various materials to excavate resources from beneath the surface of the Earth. Surface mining is a category of mining that in which soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit are removed. Placer mining is the mining of stream bed deposits for minerals. In-situ mining is a mining process used to recover minerals such as copper and uranium through boreholes drilled into a deposit.
C)There would have been four pots in both cases
In an incomplete reaction of naphthalene and 2-bromo-2-methylpropane, we started with 2 spots (one each for the two starting materials) and we should end up with 3 spots If spots will appear clearly, one for naphthalene, one for the alkyl halide and one for the product. However, this is possible to have same number of spots initially and finally when we consider 2 spots each for naphthalene and 2-bromo-2-methylpropane then after reaction we have 2 spots of products as each 1 spot of reactants decreases. Finally making initial 4 and final 2+1+1 =4.
So, the answer is (C)