the penguins have a special care process since the hatching of the egg, the newborns receive care from their parents and have warmth from them placing themselves between their paws, the parents take turns caring for them and when the father is not with the chick, he goes in search of food, which he gives regurgitated, then the cris can go to a kindergarten where others of the same age are cared for by a herd of penguins, however his parents go to the sea and feed and continue to bring food to their son, this process it is kept until they change plumage and are ready to get their food on their own.
I believe it would be false. Termites are generally the first on human remains. I could be wrong though.
Although algae can photosynthesize, they lack other defining characteristics of plants such as true roots, stems and leaves, so they are not part of the plant kingdom.
Correct Answer is Viruses
Viruses are non-cellular entities that consist of a nucleic acid nucleus (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein layer. Although viruses are classified as bacteria, they are not considered living organisms. The microbes such as viruses cannot reproduce outside a host cell and cannot metabolize on their own. Viruses often infest prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that cause disease.