\frac{dh}{dt}_{h=2cm} =\frac{40}{9\pi}\frac{cm}{2}
The suitable differential equation for this case is:

As we're looking for the change in height with respect to the time, we need a relationship to achieve such as:

Of course,
Now, since the volume of a cone is
and the ratio
, the volume becomes:

We proceed to its differentiation:

Then, we compute 

Finally, at h=2:

Best regards.
magnesium Hydroxide + Hydrochloric react together and give us magnesium chloride + water
Groups 14, 15, and 16 have 2,3, and 4 electrons in the p sublevel (p sublevel has 3 "spaces" AKA orbitals), because Hunds says one in each orbital before doubling up if you had 2 electrons, group 14, they would both be in the first orbital, with 3 electrons, group 15, two in the first orbital one in the 2nd none in the 3rd. With 4 electrons, group 16, then you would have 2 in the first 2 orbitals and NONE in the 3rd.
If you are in group 13 you only have 1 electron so it can only be in one orbital. with group 17, you have 5 electrons, so 2 in the first 2 in the second and 1 in the 3rd, correct for Hunds rule anyway. Noble gasses, group 18, have 6 elecctrons, so every orbital is full any way you look at it.