<span>If a defensive player gets the ball to a base before the offensive player arrives and the offence player can't return to the previous base because it has a team member on it</span>
Gangrene is a condition which is caused by the death of a body tissue.One of the cause is a loss of blood supply d/t an underlying injury/illness or any infection. One of the most common sites are fingers & toes.But it can also occur in the body thereby damaging organs & muscles.
The two main types of gangrene are: Dry & Wet Gangrene. Dry is aka mummification.The skin becomes dry, shrivelled and usually dark in color starting from brownish to purple blue & feels cold to be touched.For eg.Atherosclerosis.Dry form of gangrene results from scalds, burns,Raynaud's disease & Vascular problems.
Wet Gangrene: Swelling of skin,blisters form & rupture.Pus may appear.It is generally associated with infection of dead tissue.This occurs in people with diabetes, frost bites. Wet forms can develop from injury ( crush injury,Lacerations),embolism & Immune deficiency.
Gas Gangrene: also known as Clostridial myonecrosis.It is mainly linked with poorly cleaned wounds which results from previous surgery where there is a damaged blood supply.
Treatment include antibiotics, hyperbaric oxygen therapy,Maggot therapy & surgery.