I believe it’s the lithosphere
elderly, specifically 50-74.
According to macmillan.org, the risk for cancer increases with age.
If we are to go off of percentages, I would say a higher percent of children (per capita) get chemo, as it is a lot harder to say, "oh well i will die soon anyways" with a child.
The answer to this question would be: vitamin
Some bacteria can produce vitamin K2 in the intestine. Other bacteria also able to change vitamin K1 into vitamin K2. But the amount produced is not much, so human still need to fulfill it from the diet. Vitamin K has a role in calcium regulation and in blood clotting pathway.
Many scientists use dichotomous keys to identify plants, animals, and other organisms. They may also use dichotomous keys to identify species, or to determine whether a particular organism has been identified and described before. However, dichotomous keys are not used only to identify organisms.