The Earth is round ,even though there are many contradictions. The Earth spins on an axis, which is why there are different time zones all around the world. If the world was flat, then an Earth's core wouldn't exist and also the laws of gravity would not make since due to the Earth being considered flat. People would never know if they met the end of the Earth, or if they walked off the face of the Earth. Also note that if the Earth was flat then our Solar System would have to be flat since it involves the planets to revolve around the Sun.
Addiction is a condition of compulsive drug seeking and use, even with negative consequences is a <u>true</u> statement.
Addiction to drugs is a chronic and a relapsing condition or disorder which results in compulsory drug seeking behavior and its continuous use despite knowing about or having negative consequences it can cause to the brain and the body systems.
This is both a medical and a mental illness due to repeatedly misusing drugs or other substances and a severe form of a spectrum of substance abuse disorders.
Addiction is classified under substance use disorder and is categorized as mild, moderate or severe according to the symptoms. The symptoms or the negative consequences of addiction are generally grouped as impaired control, risky use, social impairment, pharmacological criteria for drug tolerance or withdrawal.
Domains Archaea and Bacteria
The genetic modification variations result in the change in the genome of the organism. In this case, the variations result in expression of a trait in different form than usual. These variations results in genetic mutation, which can be inherited from one generation to another.
In sexual reproduction, the genome of the organism is not altered. In this only an exchange between the maternal and the maternal alleles takes place, these changes does not result in mutations.
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