The term Southern Oscillation most nearly refers to a reversal of wind direction
Answer: Option D
Southern Oscillation, a component of the atmosphere in one large-scale interaction called El Niño / ENSO. The equatorial cycle fluctuates after irregular periods of about many years in response to alter in atmospheric pressure in the tropical Indo-Pacific.
With the weakening of the east-west wind during the southern oscillation phase, warm water may slide back west, increasing the flow of the equator up. Surface water temperatures and sea levels fall west and rise east, which is why this event is called El Niño.
Replication starts at the ORIGIN OF REPLICATION.
In prokaryotes which has close double stranded DNA molecule, replication usually starts from a single origin of replication and it proceeds around the circle bidirectionally, that is, in both directions. The process of replication in prokaryotes is very rapid and it produces only a few errors.<span />
Convergent evolution would be the best way to explain why two species that look similar are not necessarily that closely related. In convergent evolution, distinct species develop similar anatomical characteristics after its divergence from one common ancestor that does not possess the initial characteristic.
Vitamin B12 deficiencies can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where the bone marrow produces large abnormally shaped red blood cells that do not function properly. Dementia, paranoia, depression, and behavioral changes can result from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Neurological damage sometimes cannot be reversed