(A) True
The Cascadia subduction zone is 1,100 kilometers long, and its characteristics of youthful oceanic plate and strong coupling with the overriding plate are similar to situations in southwestern Japan and southern Chile where very large earthquakes have occurred. The Cascadia subduction zone is a convergent plate boundary that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino California, It results from the subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North American plate. The Cascadia subduction zone is stable with no significant seismic activity.
Sectarianism is a political or cultural conflict between two groups often related to the form of government they live under. ... Common examples of these divisions are denominations of a religion, ethnic identity, class, or region for citizens of a state and factions of a political movement.
Pike decided to locate the origin of the Mississippi River and also traveled the Rocky Mountains and southwestern North America.
General Wilkinson sent Pike to that Rocky Mountains and that southwest in 1806 but meant formally known not to invade Spanish territory. Pike discovered Pike's Peak in Colorado just lost to surmount it. Advancing south, Pike did enter Spanish territory and was captured and brought to Santa Fe. Pike was the totality of the earliest Americans to view New Mexico. He was freed by the Spanish in Louisiana. His words about his journey in-advisedly declared that the region he covered it was mostly a desert, inadequate for cultivation.