They are expensive
-your local genderless neighbor!
4. "If my chest pain is not gone with one tablet, I will go to the ER."
People with coronary artery disease, which is characterized by sudden attacks of angina, are usually placed on sublingual nitroglycerin medications. Sublingual nitroglycerin is a small pill that is placed under the tongue, just as the name “sublingual” suggests. When placed under the tongue, it dissolves and is absorbed quickly into the body. The drug usually becomes active within 2 to 5 minutes and lasts between 15 to 30 minutes.
In cases where the patient suffers from frequent chest pain, it is recommended that the patient repeats the dose for a total of 2 to 3 doses 5 minutes apart, and the chest pain doesn’t subside, the patient can immediately call 911 or ED.
The patient in the question above demonstrates a good level of knowledge of the right use of the medication prescribed, except in the 4th Statement. The patient needs to be educated more about the use of the sublingual nitroglycerin. He needs to do a repeated dosage of one tablet every 5 minutes, if he still feels pain after the third tablet, he can then go to the ER or 911.
Rectus abdominis muscle (shaded in red)
External oblique muscles (shaded in red)
Internal oblique muscles (shaded in red)
Transverse abdominis muscle (shaded in red)
A pharmacist needs the following characteristics.
1. Accuracy - pharmacists needs to carefully count, label and record drugs so all drugs their needed details.
2.Patience - pharmacists should be able to handle pressure and multitasks.
3.Communication skills - pharmacists should be able to communicate and interact with different kinds of people. Because, their work does a lot of talking.