1. adding just 5 minutes more of walking after a cardiovascular routine
F correct intensity level
2. re-adjusting your exercise routine after an injury
E accept set-backs
3. beginning a new cardiovascular program by walking and not running
B progress incrementally
4. understanding that you may lose muscle strength during a vacation
D feedback
5. making your routine for the month personally relate to you
C goal making
6. making a long-term commitment to exercise
A lifelong process
I think so, but not really but dark spots usually go away over time, instead there are creams made to use for the dark spots and it helps quite a lot. I can list some for you that I use such as Mdacne and hydroquinone cream I prefer hydroquinone cream more since its more effective and cheaper. Hope this helps:) Have a good day/night.
At the end of meiosis II, 4 daughter cells are formed