Car and automobile may generate the advertising manager's ad.
Broad match modifiers permit you to show if there are sure ideas identified with your catchphrases that must be available in the inquiries you reach.
Broad match is a solid match on the off chance that you need to invest less energy building comprehensive catchphrase records. Your watchwords will match to a more extensive variety of search terms, and you'll contact individuals not really looking for your particular image or business. It resembles throwing a wide net to arrive at look through identified with your catchphrases.
<u>Answer: </u>True
Here for calculation of the profit or loss the cost of production cannot be used for comparison as they are the sunk cost it cannot be used for taking sale or rework decision. It is given the proceeds from the sale of inventory would be $425,000 and the cost of rework will be $150,000.
Net proceeds from sale of units = 425000 - 150000
It is clear that these profits are lower than the sale of these units without repair. Sale proceeds without repair is $325,000. So MR corporation can make decision to sell the units without repair for better benefits.
Answer: <em>Limited Liability Company</em>
Limited liability company also known as LLC is referred to as the United States specific type of private limited organization. It is referred to as a business structure or component that tends to combine or mix pass-through taxation for a sole proprietorship or a partnership with the tendency of a limited liability of an organization. A LLC is not an organization under the state law, it is referred to as a legal type of an organization that tends to provide a limited liability to the owners in several jurisdictions.
Human relations approach to employees management believes that employees are not only motivated by financial incentives but other factors like praises , interpersonal relationship and delegation of roles and this in return , boost their commitment.
The managers are involved in active support of employees' growth and performance.
It underscores the importance interpersonal and social relationship in a work environment.
1. Response time or Time Response
2. Product variety or variety of the products
3. Availability
4. The Customer experience
5.The Order visibility
6. Returnability
Below is the Explanation of the measures of customer service that are influenced by the structure of the distribution network.
We have 6 measures of customer service that are influenced by the structure of the distribution network and they are:
1.Response time can be defined as the time between when a customer places an order and when the customer receives the delivery.
2. Product variety can be seen as the number of different products that a customer wish and desires from the distribution network.
3. Availability can be defined as the probability or likelihood of a company or an organisation to have a product in stock when a customer order arrives or when a customer places an order.
4.Customer experience can be seen as the the ease that occur when a customer place and receive their order.
5. Order visibility can be defined as the ability of the customer to track their own order from the time of placement to delivery.
6.Returnability can be defined as the ease with which a customer return merchandise or product that they are unsatisfied with and the strength or the ability of the network to handle such returns.