Vitamin deficiencies: Vitamin K and Vitamin C
Lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, broccoli, and kale should be included in one’s diet.
Hi, friend!
The Answer is Mechanical energy!
Match each form of Energy with it's definition. The sum of an object's kinetic and potential energies?
Have a great day!
D- Estuary
estuaries are where the tide meets a stream, they happen above the water/not very deep in the water
Chromatin is a substance within a chromosome consisting of DNA and protein. The DNA carries the cell's genetic instructions. The major proteins in chromatin are histones, which help package the DNA in a compact form that fits in the cell nucleus. Chromatin structure plays a key role in regulating gene expression by allowing DNA accessibility to transcriptional machinery and transcription factors.
Hope this helps!