Look out below ! You should step nimbly to one side, to avoid being hit by one or the other of those hazardous weight objects when they arrive (at the same time).
25 N
Work is a product of force and perpendicular distance moved.
W=Fd where F is force exerted and d is perpendicular distance.
However, for this case, the distance is inclined hence resolving it to perpendicular so that it be along x-axis we have distance as 
Making F the subject of the formula then
is the angle of inclination. Substituting 190 J for W then 18 degrees for
and 8 m for d then
22.5 J
x = 3 m

The spring potential energy

•Every action has an equal and opposite reaction (the object is putting force on the target, and the target is putting an equal amount of force back)
•Am object in motion (the object) will stay in motion unless an outside force acts upon it (the Target)
And as for the third one I really don’t know, those seem to be the only two, I’m sorry. I did what a could, Hope it kinda helps :)