The correct answer is reverse double standard.
Double standards is described as <span>the </span>software of different sets<span> of </span>principles<span> for </span>comparable situations<span>. </span>it's far maximum typically seen<span> as a decisive </span>psychological tool<span> used to </span>protect<span> one’s ego or </span>unconscious<span> from the shortcomings </span>of 1<span>’s </span>very own<span> set of values or contrasting principals. </span>it's miles<span> the employment of a hypocritical and biased </span>standpoint<span>, with which </span>to separate<span> the </span>reputedly terrible<span> in others from the </span>bad<span> in oneself </span>by using<span> having </span>two sets<span> of </span>guidelines<span> for the </span>same idea<span>.</span>
Social identity refers to identification with cultural notions of masculinity / femininity whereas Gender identity refers to identification with various categories of sexuality.
When men or women are perceived based on the cultural identities they are associated with, they tend to form social identities.
Where as when a female or a male identifies with their sexual identities, they come up with their gender identities.
I hope the answer is helpful.
No, the Shahādah (testimony of faith) is
Tawhīd (belief in the oneness of God - monotheism) is the most important aspect of Islām. Even a sinful Muslim will eventually be admitted to Jannah (heaven/paradise) if they believe in this concept.
The best answer is B. The river flooded yearly which allowed the fertile sediment on the bottom of the river to flow onto the farmland, keeping it fertile.