D. contingency planning
A contingency plan is a plan that is made to take account of a future occurence or event that might affect the workability or effectiveness of the current plan.
A very simple example of contingency plan is keepin an umbrella with you at all times just incase it starts to rain.
As a social entrepreneur, Mr. Mycoskie takes the concept of corporate social initiative to a new level.
Corporate social initiative is when a corporate company tries to bring social awarenss through their volunteer efforts, bussinesses that benefit soceity and much more. TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a third world country each time a pair is bought. This is a way to help their economies and those living in them by giving back.
A recession
A recession is a period of slow or negative economic growth that lasts several months. In a recession, there is a general decline in productivity in the economy. In other words, the GDP growth rate drops too low or turns negatives.
Due to low productivity, unemployment rate rises as the industries and services sectors lay-off workers instead of creating job opportunities. There is reduced consumer confidence leading to low retail sales and a decline in prices.
Negative growth implies reduced levels of investment in the economy. Businesses experience low profits, and hence, stock prices fall. Economist considers recessions a part of a normal business cycle.
Shares are traded on a stock exchange