Distribution of phenotypes within a population may be impacted by different types of natural selection. These types of selection include;
Directional selection involves a change in the environment shifts of phenotypes observed. Example is the giraffe neck-length, where the length got longer and longer over time to reach the leaves at the top of trees.
Stabilizing selection , this is a selection where an average phenotype is favored. example is number of eggs laid by birds such that too many eggs will be a waste of energy because some chicks would starve.
Disruptive selection is a selection where individuals with an average value of a trait are affected most while those with values below average are affected least. Example small individuals are capable of hiding from predators while big individuals can not fit in the hiding place but instead will fight with predators.
Surprisingly chocolate actually contains a fair amount of iron. Red meats are known to contain iron, one thing in particular is blood (yes that is sometimes eaten, and it contains a lot of iron). Such organs of animals that are high in iron include the spleen and or marrow.
If you wish to go vegetarian red veggies tend to be high in iron, one in particular are beets (yes, i know, they aren't red until processed)
The function of the pleura is to allow optimal expansion and contraction of the lungs during breathing. The pleural fluid acts as a lubricant, allowing the parietal and visceral pleura to glide over each other friction free. This fluid is produced by the pleural layers themselves.
Option C
Folic acid is not a common teratogen
Teratogen - Any factor that can interrupt the growth of a fetus or embryo. Teratogens may generate a birth deformity in the child. Or a teratogen may terminate the pregnancy unmitigated. The aspects of teratogens include radiation, parental infections, drugs.
Alcohol exploitation can produce mental obstacles, distortion, germination obstacles, miscarriage, and behavioral complications in newborns. Women who have not taken the hepatitis B vaccine should be held for immunization if they are at danger of sexually dispatched disease or blood appearance. The vaccine may be administered during pregnancy. SSRI antidepressant medications is also a factor of teratogen to cause deformity to fetus growth.