Option 4: Colonies took advantage of the war's distraction and fought for independence.
Napoleon quickly took control of the Iberian Peninsula. With Napoleon's occupation in Spain, Spanish Creoles in Latin America were questioning their alliance.
number 3: Migration of people
The Sahara is the world's largest desert; it extends across most of the northern part of Africa.
Flax<span> is an important industrial crop what has several uses. Its primary use was in the production of rope and fine linens which were used domestically and also exported.</span>
Factors of the Rule of Law
Constraints on Government Powers. (Factor 1)
Absence of Corruption. (Factor 2)
Open Government. (Factor 3)
Fundamental Rights. (Factor 4)
Order and Security. (Factor 5)
Regulatory Enforcement. (Factor 6)
Civil Justice. (Factor 7)
Criminal Justice. (Factor 8)