560 kilometers flied in each hour

Convert to like improper fractions.


So, one solution could be

Another solution could by 9. There is also 10, 11, 12, etc., and all numbers in between.

Convert into improper fraction form.


Cross-cancel, and we have our final result.

k < 96
96 is not a solution.
95 is a solution.
So is 94, 93, 92, etc, and all numbers in between.
Step-by-step explanation:
it is what it is
What do you mean by that?
O=4i (is that was you were asking about)
edit: sorry that wasn't very detailed say if the input is 4 the output will be 16 or if the input is 100 the output will be 400. So mainly what ever the input is multiply it by 4.
I hope this helps :)