Answer: The definition of a melting pot is a place where different people or different cultures all come together and begin to merge and mix. America is an example of a melting pot where immigrants and people from all over the world visit and live and share thoughts and ideas to create one big new culture.
Mandate of heaven
The Japanese rejected several Chinese practices. For example, the Japanese never adopted the Chinese idea of the Mandate of Heaven or the belief that the gods chose the emperor but could also remove a corrupt emperor.
The settlement of these colonies was motivated by religion. In 1620, a group of settlers left Plymouth, England, to join the settlers in Jamestown. Among them were the separatists, a group of people who believed the Church of England to be corrupt and thus sought to break from it.
the distric court
Federal cases typically begin at the lowest federal level, the district (or trial) court. Losing parties may appeal their case to the higher courts—first to the circuit courts, or U.S. courts of appeals, and then, if chosen by the justices, to the U.S. Supreme Court.
D) Participants
Students always think that the researchers are well organized and accurate because they pursue their research projects. Albert Einstein gives a confusing nature of the research as he said that if we already know that what we are doing then how it could be called research. Research is about that is not invented till the date. Because there is a more vast area of communication for research. Many researchers researching why we communicate and what is the purpose of the communication. Communication research is a vast topic for that we are inventing new and most confusing method. Communication technologies change from time to time such as Instagram, snap chat, etc but only human communication is still going in the same way.