only one absolute moral rule:
the principle of utility
The principle of utility holds that actions or behaviors are morally right or wrong depending on if they promote happiness or pleasure.
They opine that an action is wrong if it brings displeasure and unhappiness and are against absolute moral codes that classify specific actions or behaviors as right or wrong. Utilitarians therefore believe that pain or pleasure can be objectively measured and quantified.
Answer:Dress for video success
Explanation: impression is very important when you make your appearance in any setting and videos are no exception . She wanted to impress her audience and to do that she had to wear in a way that she believes will lead to that success and capture her audience attention but unfortunately it backfired since she went way overboard.
Answer: Racism is a problem in Colombia and everywhere else and the problem is people choosing to to except others for their skin color, race, religious belief, or ethnicity
A strong since of personal expectations and beliefs.