The ability to choose one's career is related to a nation's broad economic goals in that it reflects individual freedom in relation to the economic system. The ability for individuals to freely choose their work is an individual freedom, that also reflects the level of potential entrepreneurship potentially but not explicitly. The same with ingenuity, a high degree of ingenuity could exist where individual freedom is present in the selection of employment, but it is not a prerequisite or a definite outcome.
Your good friend prides himself on knowing a lot of information about a lot of things, and always wants to know even more. He is most closely associatedwith Precision Pattern.
Local Leaders would be correct.
(B, local leaders)
out of the above options the most important one that is highlighted is power divided between National and state governments . Before the United States Constitution when we had the Articles of Confederation, power was divided between the national and state governments but not fairly . it seemed that state governments have more power than the national government and that created a lot of problems within the economy and within the law system and within the country itself. When we created the Constitution of the United States of America we use the system called checks and balances which made sure that no one branch or no state government had more power than another and we made sure that power was divided between the national and state governments power was divided between the national and state governments but not fairly . it seemed that steak of Herman's had more power than the national government and that created a lot of problems with in the economy and within the law system and within the country itself. When we created it cost to shine of the United States of america we used a system call checks and balances which made sure that no one branch or no state governments had more power than another and we made sure that power was divided between the Nationals take governments . Currently the national government is higher up than a state government but the state government does still have a lot of Liberties like creating schools and Roads