D. four haploid cells
When meiosis is complete,four haploid cells are formed from a single diploid cell. The four daughter cells produced that contains half the number of chromosome than that of their parent cell. Due to meiosis the number of chromosomes remain fixed in a species from generation to generation.
The process results in four daughter cells that are haploid, which means they contain half the number of chromosomes of the diploid parent cell. Meiosis has both similarities to and differences from mitosis, which is a cell division process in which a parent cell produces two identical daughter cells.
Answer and explanation:
The garden pea had many advantages to be used as a model in inheritance studies. These plants grow very fast, so you can rise several generations in little time. This fundamental if you want to do this kind of studies. The study object needs to have a brief generational time, so they can be selected and their descendants can be raised again. Another advantage was that garden peas can be raised easily. They don't need any special care. Besides, they were common in the market. Mendel could find them and bought them any time that he wants. Also, they presented visible characteristics that could vary from one plant to another. Some pea gardens had violet flowers, while others had white flowers. Some were tall, while others were small. These made possible to select plants with specifics features and to study if they could transmit these features to the next generations.
It could be really difficult to do the same experiment in humans. several years would have to pass to observe new generations, so during the lapse time of the researcher, only a few human’s generations could be studied.
Ca2+ means that the charge on the ion is positive be two units. As electrons have a negative charge of -1, when an atom loses electrons, the overall charge increases. In F- one electron has been gained. Iron (III) is slightly different, it refers to the magnitude of the oxidation number rather than being a +3 charge
This is a piece of the peripheral nervous system. Real elements of the substantial sensory system incorporate willful development of the muscles and organs and reflex developments. In the course of its development, tangible neurons convey driving forces to the mind and the spinal string.</span>