There are two terms
a) accuracy : it relates to the exactness of an answer that how an answer is close to the actual answer or actual reading
So 104.6 is accurate
b) Precision : This is related to the closeness of different readings with each other
The first reading is 103.7 and the second one is 108.4 so the second reading is quite different from the first reading so it cannot be called as precised
Again 105.8 has good difference from the second reading hence again this is not precised
However the last reading 104.6 is quite near to 105.8 so 104.6 can be called as precise
Yes. it could kill someone because they are designed to take the oxygen out of the atmosphere to put out a fire, You can kill a person by suffixation, You can purchase a unit that gives off a harmless vapor that resembles white smoke though.
Two (2) electron pairs
The sharing of electron pairs by atoms forms a type of bond called COVALENT bond. Atoms that form covalent bonding (share electrons) do so in order to fill their outermost electron shells, hence, gain chemical stability.
However, when two atoms like carbon share TWO PAIRS of electrons with each other, a DOUBLE BOND is formed. An example is the double bond formed in Ethylene (2HC=CH2). A total of four valence electrons (a pair from each carbon) are shared between the two carbon atoms.