Hepatitis<span> A </span>virus<span> is usually spread from person to person by putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with the stool of a person with </span>hepatitis<span> A. This type of transmission is called the "fecal-oral" route.</span>
Split-brain patients have had surgery to cut the corpus callosum. Such a phenomenon was studied and monitored by two neuroscientists Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga. After hard operation, patients felt quite good although the expectations weren't that good. Patients could perform all the activities they did before surgery, that was very surprising and innovational. But after several experiments, doctors discovered side effects and got back to study this process.
When performing a chemical examination of urine a routine reagent strip test for protein is used.
This test is based on the protein error of indicators principle.
The reagents trips are also known as Diagnostic strips which is used for Urinealysis. This strips are firm plastic strips in which there are different types of seperate reagent areas are fixed.They provide the information about acid base balance , urinary tract infection, kidney and liver function and carbohydrate metabolism status. The test is based on the protein error of indicators principle. There is green color formation on the strip under a constant pH which is an indicator of the protein presence.
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