Some interventions that should be mentioned in an infant with GER would be 1. consult with the Pediatrician to obtain an antacid for the infant. 2. Placing the infant in a semi-elevated position according to the AAP. This allows the stomach contents to stay down and not come back up through the esophagus. 3. Feeding the infant less food, more often. This allows for the stomach to not be too full at each feeding.
Bacterial; viral
Sexually transmitted diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by protozoa can easily be treated. Bacterial STD can be treated with antibiotics during the initial phase of the disease so bacterial STDs are curable.
Viral STDs are not curable but their symptoms can be managed by taking medication. Viral STDs are not curable because they incorporate their DNA into the host genome and can remain in the latent phase in their host cell.
The skills you would require to become an advanced martial artiest would be,
you would need to have peace and know how to keep your temper in check.
you would need discipline and high confidence along with a good amount of focus lots of clear goals and the most important one you need respect for not only you but also for others.
you need self in forced skills.
It has negative outcomes from long term use.