I hope 2 amperes of current passes
If you are pushing the coin across the table at a constant rate, the friction of the table and the horizontal force of your hand pushing are equal, and the coin itself moves at a constant rate. If you push a coin and let it go, there is no horizontal force keeping the coin going. Friction slows the coin to a stop. In both cases, the gravitational downward pull of Earth is equally but oppositely resisted by the upward push of table on the coin.
Mercury is a metal that is used in
Mercury can be seen as an evening "star" near the sun's setting point or as a morning "star" near the sun's rising point. The evening star was given the name Hermes, and the morning star was given the name Apollo, since the ancient Greeks thought they were two separate things. Mercury, the Roman god's messenger, is the planet's name.
See explanation
A change in momentum occurs when a force is applied to an object and changes its velocity.
When an object gains electrons it gains a negative charge.
C. Negative