Status quo.
Status quo pricing strategy duplicates the value levels of its rivals or keeps up the present value levels of comparative items or services in the market. Status quo is characterized as the manner in which things seem to be, rather than the manner in which they could be.
Answer: E.When there are so many industry rivals that the impact of any one company's actions is spread thinly across all industry members
The more the number of players in an industry the more it gets congested and especially for the competing sellers. The decision for increasing or reducing price is met by follower firms to do the same thing. It gets less competitive because you know all the players in the industry would be following the same practices and doing the same thing.
See the explanation section
Organizations calculate various costs with the help of the weighted average cost of capital. It is a significant cost measurement system through which organizations can calculate the cost of debt after tax, cost of new equities, cost of existing equities, and cost of preferred shares. WACC can be a benchmark for the organization. A firm needs to know those costs because it can make sure that whether those projects are running smoothly to continue or running worse to reject.
Another significant cost measurement method is the net present value. With the help of NPV, a business can make sure about a project to accept it or reject it.
Answer: Wide variations in capital structures exist between industries and also between individual firms within industries and are influenced by unique firm factors including managerial attitudes.
Out of the options that are given in the question, the correct option is that wide variations in capital structures exist between industries and also between individual firms within industries and are influenced by unique firm factors including managerial attitudes.
All the other options are false. Debt-to-total-assets ratios varies much among different industries.