<span>C electric power transmisson and electronics</span>
n where n is the number of chances user takes to enter a blank number and n>=1.
The loop starts with a universal condition where it is initialized using a true value. Hence the iteration count goes to 1. The user is asked to enter a number after 1st iteration. If number is a blank number, the loop is terminated, else the loop goes on until the users enters a blank number. Hence the iterations depend on the number of chances taken by the user to enter a blank number. Since the user is going to enter a number at least once, the minimum value of n will be 1.
Web Note. You can access the feature by selecting "Make a web note" and several options on the toolbar will pop up for use. Microsoft has a help page here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17221/windows-10-write-on-the-web
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