Environmental factors change the amount of genetic variation in a population.
It looks like you got everything correct except for the big thing in the middle which is the vacoule. It should be colored light blue. The far bottom left where you have it colored light blue is the Golgi apparatus and that should be colored dark blue. Everything else looks pretty good.
A mutation is simply an error in the copying of DNA it generally does not have major effects. Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence.
Tumors form by an uncontrolled error in a stage of mitosis that continue to generate cells that aren't correct and eventually lead to tumors.
frequency of allele “A” is .39
frequency of allele “a” is .77
hardy weinberg equation
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 or (A+a)^2
p^2 = (AA)
2pq = (Aa)
q^2 = (aa)
AA -> 15/100 = .15
Aa -> 25/100 = .25
aa -> 60/100 = .60
if p^2 = AA = .15 then A = √.15 = 0.38729833462 = .39
if q^2 = aa = .60 then a = √.60 = 0.77459666924 = .77
wikipedia quoraAnkitGauba