A. logic, would be your answer i believe!
This would be true. On Jupiter you would weigh 234 pounds if you were 100 pounds on Earth.
A. Angular momentum is always conserved would be the correct answer.
This is because like linear momentum (mvmv), angular momentum (r×mvr×mv) is a conserved quantity, where rr is the vector from the center of rotation. For a skater holding a static pose, for each particle making up her body, the contribution in magnitude to the total angular momentum is given by mirivimirivi. Thus bringing in her arms reduces riri for those particles. In order to conserve angular momentum, there is then an increase in the angular velocity.
hope this helps!
Average speed=total distance travelled/time
As an object moves faster, its mass increases. ... Because masses approach infinity with increasing speed, it is impossible to accelerate a material object to (or past) the speed of light. To do so would require an infinite force.