Knowledge gain through observation and experimentation.
Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. That knowledge which can be gain through observation and experimentations is considered as scientific knowledge and those knowledge which can be attain through other sources not observation and experiments is known as non-scientific knowledge so we can say that observation and experiments provide scientific knowledge.
- Individuals are variable.
- Some variations are passed down.
- More offspring are produced than can survive;
- Survival and reproduction are not random.
- The history of earth is long.
While looking for food and places to sleep, migrant birds might have more trouble
identifying windows and fly into them more often . However, it could also be that
there are simply more window collisions in the fall because there are more birds in
the area when migrant and resident birds co-occur in urban areas.
the theory suggest that formation of organic molecules takes places by the help of inorganic material along with lightening and intense radiation