Answer: Ethnicity
Ethnicity could be defined as the fact of belonging to a group either being born there or having spent the entire of your time in that particular place. Although the parents and grandparents lived in different places, the difference between them and the Polish culture is an ethnic difference.
Horace Mann brought free education, giving equal opportunities in the society.
Horace Mann, popularly known as “<em>the father of American public education”</em> began the reform movement. The movement started in Massachusetts with the common school movement.
The common school system was opened for all white students creating opportunities for everyone to have access to school. It was funded by taxes thereby students attend the school free of charge.
Mann promoted and maintained the course of the common school.
The answer is Kulaks
The term Kulak referred to peasants who owned more than 8 acres of land and were considered “hesitating allies” of the revolution. In the 1930s, with Joseph Stalin in control of the Soviet Union, kulaks were decimated; peasants who became wealthier from 1906 to 1914 thanks to the <em>Stolypin Reform</em> were targeted as kulaks, <u>but also anyone who withheld grain from the Bolsheviks</u>. From 1929 to 1932 the dekulakization consisted on the arrest, deportation and execution of millions of prosperous peasants in order to seize their lands as part of Stalin’s first five years plan on the attempt to create new policies centred on a rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture (aimed to integrate individual landholdings and labour into collectively-controlled and state-controlled farms).
The correct answer is "public life".
Women had little or no role in public life.
In the early nineteenth century, a new gender ideology started to appear in which women were to the home, which was also called "private sphere," while men's job was defined as the "public sphere." While there was an obvious gender difference still there were a few women who occupied public posts.