Answer:When a substance undergoes a chemical change some of the chemical changes can be reversed with a chemical change.
A chemical change changes all of the element but some chemical changes but very few can be changed back to its original substance only with a chemical change.
Brittleness is a characteristic that describes chalk. Its color and shape also describe the chalk. Any such characteristic of a material that you can observe without changing the substances that make up the material is a physical property
Gold is metallic, with a yellow colour when in a mass, but when finely divided it may be black, ruby, or purple. It is the most malleable and ductile metal
People who work with radioactive materials often wear a film badge to reveal how much radiation they have been exposed to. The film badge dosimeter or the film badge is a dosimeter worn by these people working with materials that are radioactive for the purpose of monitoring cumulative radiation dose due to ionizing radiation. The badge has two parts; the photographic film, and a holder.