The answer is B. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Most textbooks have the acronym ROYGBV to express the order in which colors appear on the spectrum of light, indigo is included in your list, and that's not a problem, although it's not typical. This spectrum of light is the same order in which colors appear in rainbows.
'The principle of superposition states that when two disturbance occupy the same space at the same time the resulting disturbance is the sum of two disturbances.'
if two pulses are moving towards each other in the same medium and are not disturb by any external force they will approach each other and the point which will be the the sum of their individual displacement or more precisely the point of superposition of both pulses either constructive or destructive depending on the conditions given
Venus's atmosphere is very thick, dry and hot whereas Mars's atmosphere is very thin and cold.
Both Venus's and Mars's atmospheres are about 95 percent carbon dioxide.
The surface temperature of Venus is around 890 degrees F, the hottest average temperature in the Solar System. This is due to abundance of greenhouse gasses. The atmosphere of Venus is composed of 97% CO2, 2% N2 and less than 1% of O2, H2O and CH4 (methane). Since CO2 is a major greenhouse gas, the radiation from the Sun is trapped in the atmosphere of Venus producing an extremely high surface temperature.
Mars has an atmospheric composition of 95% CO2, 3% N2, 2% Ar and less than 1% O2.A high noble gas content implies that Mar's atmosphere was much thicker in the past (noble gases do not react with other elements and are heavy enough to stay within the gravitational field of Mars). The climate on Mars is very desert-like due to its thin atmosphere. There is too little mass in the atmosphere to hold in heat so the warmest daytime temperatures are around 50 degrees F, but the nighttime temperatures are -170 degrees F. Other weather features are massive dust storms and occasional CO2 fog in the canyons.