Cumulative Rewards
Cumulative rewards are those that have been acquired or collected through time.
In this case, Sylvia's friendship with Sarah goes back a long time, and has rewarded Sylvia in many ways during that time. For this reason, Sylvia has developed a emotional bond with Sarah that goes beyond a transactional relationship, and prompts her to continue being friends with Sarah despite the current shortcomings of the friendship.
when we round off to 10 we look at the last number
One situation that would definitely NOT lead to an increase in productivity is
D. an increase in the cost of factors of production .
An increase in the cost of production would rather lead to a decrease in productivity - it would make the production more difficult.
While she was still in her early teens, she suffered an injury that would follow her for the rest of her life. ... It fell short, striking Tubman on the head. ... Around 1844 she married a free black named John Tubman and took his last name. ... no one who has willingly encountered more perils and hardships to serve our enslaved ...
The Constitution has three main parts. First is the Preamble, an introduction that states the goals and purposes of the government.
Constitution is a supreme law that is binding even on the government. A constitution defines a state and the rights of its citizen. In a democratic order, the Constitution ensures that the people ultimately control the Government.